Tips for Delivering Great SEO Reports

Seo reporting

It’s hardly contested that improvement of Google rankings through SEO is a critical component of internet marketing. From the moment the PageRank algorithm was launched from ten 4GB hard drives stored in LEGO brick cases, it has held its place as one of the most important considerations for online marketing. Named for Larry Page, co founder of Google, PageRank decides which sites appear for the 100 billion global searches conducted online monthly.

Those who purchase SEO services know that their results are important. That’s why it’s up to providers to communicate clearly with their clients about progress. SEO reporting is one of the most important

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Why SEO is More Important Than Ever

Search engines

More than 100 billion searches take place every month worldwide.

With those stats, you could say that search engines get a lot of traffic. Companies are making the most of this peak in activity, and realizing that search engines are the most valuable resource at their disposal. So why should your company jump on the SEO bandwagon?

1. Users Prefer Organic Results

At least 70 to 80 percent of internet users ignore endorsed results on Google. That means companies need to break out the Seo tools to get their websites in top spots without cutting corners.

2. Consumers Are Search

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How to Boost Your Websites’ Visibility

Seo blogs

When Google was still a research project, its founders used LEGO bricks to create a storage compartment for the 10 4GB hard drives they were using to test the PageRank algorithm. It is no secret that Google has come a long way since then, and could even be described as the King of the Internet.

If you are a business that is not executing an online marketing strategy, you may be rendering your business completely obsolete to potential consumers. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the best way to increase your presence in the search engines. SEO is a series of practices designed to increase a websites’ visibility in the rankings through free or “organic” listings.

Did you know that approximately three quarters of Internet search engine users say that they avoid paid advertisements, clicking on only organic links instead? Currently, the search engine industry is worth approximately $16 billion USD. If that does not light a fire under you to get involved, nothing will.

If you do not have time to learn the ins and outs of SEO but still want to reap the benefits of Internet marketing, you may want to try working with an seo reseller to develop a seo reseller plan and help boost your online sales. Working with an SEO reseller is a great idea for a company with limited resources that cannot necessarily afford to hire an in house SEO consultant.

SEO resellers can also help you to shape your social media campaigns, which are also an incredibly valuable resource for boosting your search engine visibility. If you are looking to boost your Internet marketing efforts without having to exhaust your own company resources or time, working with an SEO reseller can be incredibly beneficial. The higher up you are in the rankings, the more likely you are to be found my shoppers. It could even mean the difference between you and your competitors being found.

When executing your Internet marketing campaign, remember to think like a consumer. What would they be typing to find you? What would you want to see on a website if you were a consumer searching for the same thing? A mix between good Internet marketing strategy and SEO strategies could be the recipe for the solution you are looking for, so do not over look the potential possibility.